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Lazer pigment removal
You deserve to have it
Lazer pigment removal


Pigmentation – or uneven skin tone – is a skin problem which affects much of the Australia adult population and an issue for which treatment options can be quite limited.

Generally these pigmentation lesions pose no health risk, but they can be unsightly. Whereas a tan might look healthy while it lasts, pigmentation problems create a longer-term patchy appearance which spoils the complexion, making the skin look older.

At The Bayswater Spa Laser Skincare Clinic we use the world’s largest manufacturer of lasers, Quanta Q-Plus C which are both FDA & TGA approved.

Quanta Q plus Q switched laser offers a safe and effective option for treating a range of pigmentation issues:

  • Age spots, sun spots, liver spots
  • Patchy skin tone
  • Enlarged freckles
  • Melasma / Chlosma


Melanin is a substance that gives our skin colour. When too much melanin gathers in one location, freckles, age spots, and other minor blemishes can occur. Our Pigment Correcting Laser can help. Once the wavelengths of laser produced by it are absorbed by those areas, it shatters the colouration, dispersing it through the body’s lymphatic system. As a result the spots reduce over time, leaving you with clearer, more even skin.

The process begins when you meet with one of our laser techician for a one-on-one consultation. We will discuss your pigmentation and examine your skin carefully. Then we’ll do a patch test to make sure your skin is right for this laser treatment.

We will book your first appointment shortly after. Once you arrive, we’ll give you protective eyewear and prepare you for the treatment. This type of removal is not painful for most people, but you might feel a tingling sensation as we apply the laser. Directly afterwards we will use aloe vera on the affected area.

Make sure you don’t directly expose the area to sun for at least twenty-four hours, as heat can have an adverse effect on your capillaries. If you need to schedule a follow up appointment, we will do it within a few weeks of your initial session.

How many treatments are required?

Laser treatments are the fastest and most effective available. The number of sessions depend on the type of pigmentation but most clients need around 4-6 treatments.